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A Prayer for Peace of mind

Beloved one, I bless you with that kind of peace!  I bless you with knowing deep in your spirit that God your Father’s favor is upon you, that He loves you likes you, enjoys you, and takes pleasure in who you are today, regardless of what you do.  He finds pleasure in you while you sleep and when you wake up.  I bless you with profoundly knowing that reality.  I bless you with knowing your Father’s love, with being secure, and having the peace of Jesus in your relationship with your Father.  


When Jesus walked this earth He had different seasons in His life: times of immense pain and of intense pleasure, times of loneliness and of friendship.  Yet whatever He faced, He went into each day knowing that with His Father partnering with Him, He was able to face what that day held.  


So, beloved, I bless you with knowing that each day will be filtered through our Father’s hands, that God himself will see to it that nothing comes into your life that is beyond what His strength in you can handle.  I bless you with the peace of knowing ahead of time that our Father will be with you to provide all you need for each day, whether it is a day filled with pain or with pleasure. 


Jesus’ peace was found in knowing what His Father wanted Him to do.  He knew what God was doing from the beginning of time, and He did what He saw His Father doing. 


So, beloved, I bless you with knowing in your spirit, before you know in your mind, the works of your Father.  I bless you with understanding in your spirit what your Father has called you to do, with knowledge so clear and strong the nobody can dissuade you from what God has called you to do.  I bless you with a clear sense of the call of God on your life; the big picture as well as a daily sense of what God would have you do.  


Jesus also had peace in knowing when the timing was right.  At age 12 he eagerly desired to be about His Father’s business, yet He recognized God’s direction in telling Him to wait another 18 years.  His heart yearned to be in ministry, yet He knew it wasn’t time.  When it was time, He was on time.  He was positioned for His baptism, for His first miracle, for each of the major events of His life, and even for His death, His resurrection, and His ascension.  Every aspect of His life was on time.  He did the right thing at the right time.  He had a knowledge of timing and that gave Him peace.  


I bless you, with the peace Jesus had of being at the right place at the right time, of being able to live with urgency within yourself without being overwhelmed by that urgency, because you know that your Father’s time is right.  I bless you with having a passion that burns within you, but I bless you with knowing God’s perfect time for that fire to manifest as you bless other’s with your God given giftings and talents.  


I bless you, with the peace that Jesus had which is beyond what the world gives.  I bless you with greater understanding and larger perspective than most people have, and I bless you with the peace of Jesus in being able to undergo things in your life that you don’t understand

The above prayer is by Sylvia Gunter

 others can be found here

Join Kim's weekly prayer meeting

Prayer Group

Our group uses:


Prayer Portions by Sylvia Gunter - a powerful book of prayers which can be purchased in the Bellevue Book Store or ordered online here. 


Pathway to Prayer by Elizabeth Johnson

this model uses the layout of Tabernacle to enter into

His Presence in a powerful way. 


This powerful time of prayer will become the time you look forward to most.

If interested contact Kim Dowling

email her at

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